

1. It is not enough just to remind museums to keep them alive. Otherwise, how do we deal with the cultural rupture that modernity has created?

Museums should have a problem to tell not only the road, but also the road and the journey.

2. In the world of the future, people will prefer places where people and life stand out more, instead of visiting the large and official museums that exist with their gigantic sizes.

For this reason, we need to give people places where they can meet, not museums in which they will disappear.

3. The stories of persons are warm, sincere and genuine. Museums inspired by the individual’s story; They bring people and people together, not people with the state or people with buildings.

4. Museums; It must exist as part of the ecosystem to which they belong. Neither the whirring of the water, nor the sound of the birds, nor the joy of children …

5. Museums; It should remind people what they forget and let them live what they remind.
It should allow to experience cultural heritage and traditional production and, finally, the visitor should see himself as the subject of the museum.


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