Aşk-ı Nebi and Prayer Beads

- August 31 - September 5, 2017
- Beşpınar Köyü / Demirözü / Bayburt
Ağbal opened the Aşk-ı Nebi Hilye-i Şerif Exhibition. Minister Naci Ağbal attended the opening ceremony of the “Aşk-ı Nebi Hilye-i Şerif Exhibition”, which was organized in Kenan Yavuz Culture House founded by businessman Kenan Yavuz in Beşpınar village of Demirözü district. Ağbal explained that they wanted to develop tourism, culture and art in Bayburt at the opening of the exhibition consisting of prayer beads and hilye-i şerifs in the collection belonging to Mehmet Çebi. Ağbal, Prof. Dr. Stating that Hüsamettin Koçan’s Baksı Museum in Bayraktar village and Kenan Yavuz Culture House are two of the frequent destinations in the region, he thanked Koçan and Yavuz for the places they brought to the city. Expressing that Bayburt is an ancient city, Ağbal said: “In this period of time and space, our task is to preserve the ancient city of Bayburt and carry it to future generations. From that point of view, we said that Bayburt should be a cultural city. Whether it is an emerging city or green Bayburt. In how many cities there are views that share and embrace a place with a river and a castle? This view is not easily found. Çımağıl Cave is such a place. We need to take care of this place and move it to a point as soon as possible. Increasing the number of such places and places to visit in the coming period will provide important gains in the point of Bayburt becoming a culture and art center. We will do this together. not business. ‘Let a government official touch here.’ If I say, it will ruin this place, but there is an understanding that reveals its heart and embroiders it. We can only produce this understanding from within the civil society. ” Ağbal emphasized that the historical buildings in the city should be unearthed as soon as possible and said, “We will clean their surroundings, we will restore them in accordance with the original. These buildings should be transformed into places that can be used as cafes and restaurants as well as cultural and artistic activities for very different purposes.” used the expressions. Pointing out that the stage of tourism today is at a different point, Ağbal said: “In the past, when we talk about ‘tourists’, we used to think of tourists from foreign countries. Now it is not like that, 80 million citizens of our citizens and daily touristic activities are increasing day by day. Therefore, we say that in the city center of Bayburt, let’s change the urban fabric, transform it, create a green Bayburt, let the streets have a very different face after urban transformation. Bayburt’s people are very rich, we have a qualified human texture that proves itself wherever it goes. If we are in unity and solidarity here, we will do all these and move Bayburt to more beautiful spots it deserves. better than today we are obliged to leave at some point, we are responsible. I hope we will do it in the best possible way. ”After the speeches, Ağbal cut the ribbon with Governor Pehlivan, Deputy Kavcıoğlu, Mayor Memiş and businessman Kenan Yavuz and opened the exhibition. Ağbal visited the exhibition with 30 prayer beads and 25 hilye-i Şerif. received information about the works.